Swift To-Do List 11

To-Do List Software for Windows: Get in total control of your tasks and notes!

Sticky Notes

Select any task in your to-do list, click the "Sticky Note" button, and voila, it will instantly turn into a sticky note on your desktop!

The sticky notes are awesome, because they help you to:

  • Stay focused on the task
  • Not forget about something
  • Have quick access to an important task you are currently working on
  • Capture and review notes for a specific task super quickly

You can edit the task and its notes directly from the sticky note. Or, right-click the sticky note to bring up common task operations (Edit, Delete, Go to task in Swift To-Do List, Set Done, etc).

Customize colors and set transparency of each sticky note, make it always on top, place it anywhere you want, etc.

You can even easily work with all sticky notes at once: Close or temporarily hide all sticky notes, make all sticky notes always on top - or NOT always on top, etc.

Sticky notes

Don't be the guy who snoozes a reminder 10 times a day

Did this ever happen to you? -

You set a reminder for a task, and when the reminder got shown, you've snoozed it, and then kept snoozing it for hours, days (or even weeks!)

Well, you don't have to do that anymore - you can just use a sticky note instead!

Sticky notes are great non-intrusive reminders that don't steal your attention.


Any questions? We'd love to answer them!

Compatible with:
Windows 11, 10, 8, 7, Vista and XP, both 32-bit and 64-bit.


Loader Swift To-Do List 11 Swift To-Do List 11