Swift To-Do List Blog

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Start your day with the most important or most fun task

When you start your work-day, you have a choice. Most of us start the day with a random task – whatever comes to mind first, that’s what we do. However, there is a far better approach.

Although you can choose between starting the day with the easiest task or starting the day with the hardest task, there is a far better approach. Starting the day with the easiest or hardest task is suboptimal. Why? Because importance nor reward is taken into account.

The best thing you can do is to:

Start the day with the most important task

This has the biggest payoff. The most difficult task is often not important at all – but the actually most important task? Boy, if you make just a little progress on that, you will feel great.

But what if you are not feeling like doing the most important task? Or, what if you are not feeling like working at all? Well, then:

Start the day with the most fun task

This will shoot your motivation up. It will feel rewarding.

This approach can be especially of benefit for you if you have problems with procrastination. If you are feeling like procrastinating, this can save the day! (Another solution might be to break the most important task into tiny sub-tasks, then eliminating them one by one. See my previous post Deal with procrastination with 100% success)

There are numerous benefits:

  1. Quick reward
  2. Feeling productive
  3. Feeling motivated
  4. Most importantly: Things in motion tend to stand in motion – that’s the physics law. If you have finished one task, why not finish a second one? And then another, and another? Go get them!

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